
An Erlang Shell

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What is Kjell?

Kjell (IPA: [/ʃɛl/]) is a refurbishing of the Erlang Shell, with some eye-candy and extension support added.


Kjell screenshot with dark color profile (using the iTerm2 theme Solarized Dark)

Kjell screenshot with light color profile (using the iTerm2 theme Solarized Light)

Documentation at you fingertips: Integration with MacOs X app Dash


Mac: Homebrew

To install using Hombrew on Mac:

$ brew install kjell

Linux: Build and install

To build Kjell, execute the following commands in a terminal window :

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/karlll/kjell.git
$ cd kjell
$ make

To install Kjell in the default location (/usr/local/opt) run :

$ make install

Install to alternate location

To install Kjell to location other than default :

$ make configure PREFIX=<alternate path>
$ make install


When installed, execute kjell in your terminal. If you did not install, run bin/kjell from the build directory.


As of now, Kjell only supports Linux and MacOs


Please see the kjell wiki for documentation.

Version information

  • 0.2.2 - Minor installation update
  • 0.2.1 - Command extension support
  • 0.2.0 - Extension support, no custom OTP build needed
  • 0.1.0 - Initial version

How to contribute

Got new features, bugfixes, extensions? Great! Clone either https://github.com/karlll/kjell.git or https://github.com/karlll/kjell-extensions.git and create a branch and submit a pull request. If appropriate, please extend the current test suites or add new ones.

Authors and Contributors

Karl Larsaeus, <karl@ninjacontrol.com>
Pedram Nimreezi, <deadzen@deadzen.com>
Uwe Dauernheim, <uwe@dauernheim.net>

Code is based on modules from the OTP distribution.